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Title: UV-associated decline in systemic folate: implications for human nutrigenetics, health, and evolutionary processes
Authors: Veysey, Martin ;Lucock, Mark ;Beckett, Emma L ;Martin, C.;Jones, P.;Furst, J.;Yates, Z.;Jablonski, N.G.;Chaplin, G.
Affliation: Central Coast Local Health District
Gosford Hospital
The University of Newcastle
Issue Date: Oct-2016
Source: 29(2)
Journal title: American Journal of Human Biology
Department: Gastroenterology
Abstract: OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to examine whether UV exposure alters folate status according to C677T-MTHFR genotype, and to consider the relevance of this to human health and the evolutionary model of skin pigmentation. METHODS: Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) satellite data were used to examine surface UV-irradiance, as a marker of UV exposure, in a large (nā€‰=ā€‰649) Australian cross-sectional study population. PCR/RFLP analysis was used to genotype C677T-MTHFR. RESULTS: Overall, cumulative UV-irradiance (42 and 120 days pre-clinic) was significantly negatively related to red cell folate (RCF) levels. When the cohort was stratified by MTHFR-C677T genotype, the relationship between UV-irradiance (42 days pre-clinic) and RCF remained significant only in the cohorts containing carriers of the T allele. Statistically significant z-score statistics and interaction terms from genotype and UV-irradiance (p-interaction) demonstrated that genotype did modify the effect of UV-irradiance on RCF, with the largest effect of UV being demonstrated in the 677TT-MTHFR subjects. CONCLUSIONS: Data provide strong evidence that surface UV-irradiance reduces long-term systemic folate levels, and that this is influenced by the C677T-MTHFR gene variant. We speculate this effect may be due to 677TT-MTHFR individuals containing more 5,10CH2 -H4 PteGlu, and that this folate form may be particularly UV labile. Since UV-irradiance lowers RCF in an MTHFR genotype-specific way, there are likely implications for human health and the evolution of skin pigmentation.
DOI: 10.1002/ajhb.22929
ISSN: 1042-0533
Publicaton type: Journal Article
Keywords: Skin
Ultraviolet light
Appears in Collections:Health Service Research

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