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dc.contributor.authorVeysey, Martin-
dc.contributor.otherBeckett, Emma L-
dc.contributor.otherJones, P.-
dc.contributor.otherDuesing, K.-
dc.contributor.otherMartin, C.-
dc.contributor.otherFurst, J.-
dc.contributor.otherYates, Z.-
dc.contributor.otherJablonski, N.G.-
dc.contributor.otherChaplin, G.-
dc.contributor.otherLucock, M.-
dc.description.abstractOBJECTIVES: The vitamin D receptor (VDR) is a member of the nuclear receptor family of transcription factors. We examined whether degree of VDR gene methylation acts as a molecular adaptation to light exposure. We explored this in the context of photoperiod at conception, recent UV irradiance at 305 nm, and gene-latitude effects. METHODS: Eighty subjects were examined for VDR gene-CpG island methylation density. VDR gene variants were also examined by PCR-RFLP. RESULTS: Photoperiod at conception was significantly positively related to VDR methylation density, explaining 17% of the variance in methylation (r2  = 0.17; P = .001). Within this model, photoperiod at conception and plasma 25(OH)D independently predicted methylation density at the VDR-CpG island. Recent UV exposure at 305 nm led to a fivefold increase in mean methylation density (P = .02). Again, UV exposure and plasma 25(OH)D independently predicted methylation density at the VDR-CpG island. In the presence of the BsmI mutant allele, methylation density was increased (P = .01), and in the presence of the TaqI or FokI mutant allele, methylation density was decreased (P = .007 and .04 respectively). Multivariate modelling suggests plasma 25(OH)D, photoperiod at conception, recent solar irradiance, and VDR genotype combine as independent predictors of methylation at the VDR-CpG island, explaining 34% of the variance in methylation (R2  = 0.34, P < .0001). CONCLUSIONS: Duration of early-life light exposure and strength of recent irradiance, along with latitudinal genetic factors, influence degree of VDR gene methylation consistent with this epigenetic phenomenon being a molecular adaptation to variation in ambient light exposure. Findings contribute to our understanding of human biology.en
dc.description.sponsorshipGastroenterology & Hepatologyen
dc.description.sponsorshipPublic Healthen
dc.titleVDR gene methylation as a molecular adaption to light exposure: Historic, recent and genetic influencesen
dc.typeJournal Articleen
dc.description.affiliatesCentral Coast Local Health Districten
dc.description.affiliatesThe University of Newcastleen
dc.identifier.journaltitleAmerican Journal of Human Biologyen
item.fulltextNo Fulltext-
item.openairetypeJournal Article-
Appears in Collections:Health Service Research
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