Neurology : [124] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 124
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jun-2010Assessment of the upper limb in acute stroke: the validity of hierarchal scoring for the Motor Assessment ScalePickering, Rebekah L Hubbard, I.J.Baker, K.G.Parsons, M.W.
Dec-2016Partially methylated alleles, microdeletion, and tissue mosaicism in a fragile X male with tremor and ataxia at 30 years of age: A case reportHeard, Robert Hwang, Yun Tae Aliaga, S.M.Arpone, M.Francis, D.Li, X.Chong, B.Slater, H.R.Rogers, C.Bretherton, L.Hunter, M.Godler, D.E.
Mar-2016Global white matter hypoperfusion on CT predicts larger infarcts and hemorrhagic transformation after acute ischemiaO'Brien, Bill Bivard, A.Cheng, X.Lin, L.Levi, C.R.Spratt, N.J.Kleinig, T.Butcher, K.Lou, M.Zhang, J.Sylaja, P.N.Cao, W.J.Jannes, J.Dong, Q.Parsons, M.W.
Mar-2017Perfusion computed tomography in patients with stroke thrombolysisO'Brien, Bill Kawano, H.Bivard, A.Lin, L.Ma, H.Cheng, X.Aviv, R.I.Butcher, K.Lou, M.Zhang, J.Jannes, J.Dong, Q.Levi, C.R.Parsons, M.W.
Mar-2017Validating a predictive model of acute advanced imaging biomarkers in ischemic strokeO'Brien, Bill Bivard, A.Levi, C.R.Lin, L.Cheng, X.Aviv, R.I.Spratt, N.J.Lou, M.Kleinig, T.Butcher, K.Zhang, J.Jannes, J.Dong, Q.Parsons, M.W.
Aug-2016Too good to treat? Ischemic stroke patients with small computed tomography perfusion lesions may not benefit from thrombolysisO'Brien, Bill Bivard, A.Lou, M.Levi, C.R.Krishnamurthy, V.Cheng, X.Aviv, R.I.McElduff, P.Lin, L.Kleinig, T.Butcher, K.Jingfen, Z.Jannes, J.Dong, Q.Parsons, M.W.
2007Returning to nursing practice: a learning journeyElwin, Carolyn 
2011Left atrial septal pouch causing an ischaemic stroke in association with aortic coarctationReyneke, Elizabeth William, Maged Elsokkrai, I.
2010The use of zolpidem in the treatment of progressive supranuclear palsyCotter, C.Armytage, Tasman Crimmins, Denis 
Oct-2010Restraint minimisation in the acute neurosurgical settingBarr, Jeanne Agius, AliciaO'Reilly, Marianne
2015Eating Disturbance in Frontotemporal DementiaKam, Jonathan S Martin, Colin RVan Keizerswaard, JolandaPiguet, Olivier
3-Jun-2014Quantifying the eating abnormalities in frontotemporal dementiaKam, Jonathan S Ahmed, RebekahIrish, MuireannVan Keizerswaard, JolandaBartley, LaurenSamaras, KatherineHodges, John RPiguet, Olivier
Jun-2015STroke imAging pRevention and treatment (START): A longitudinal stroke cohort study: Clinical trials protocol.Sturm, Jonathan Carey, Leeanne MCrewther, SheilaSalvado, OlivierLinden, ThomasConnelly, AlanWilson, WilliamHowells, David WChurilov, LeonidMa, H.Tse, TamaraRose, StephenPalmer, SusanBougeat, PierrickCampbell, B.C.Christensen, S.Macaulay, S. LanceFavaloro, J.O'Collins, VictoriaMcBride, SimonBates, SusanCowley, EliseDewey, H.M.Wijeratne, TessaGerraty, RichardPhan, Thanh GYan, BernardParsons, M.W.Bladin, C.F.Barber, P.A.Read, StephenWong, AndrewLee, AndrewKleinig, T.Hankey, G.J.Blacker, DavidMarkus, R.Leyden, JamesKrause, MartinGrimley, RohanMahant, N.Jannes, J.Davis, Stephen MDonnan, G.A.
Jun-2015Teaching NeuroImages: Spontaneous Spinal Epidural Hematoma with Spot Sign PositivitySchutz, Anna Rama Asary, Priyal O'Brien, Bill Crimmins, Denis Hanson, Julian 
2015Brain Histopathology in Three Cases of Susac’s Syndrome: Implications for Lesion Pathogenesis and TreatmentHardy, T.O'Brien, Bill Gerbis, N.Barnett, M.Reddel, S.Brewer, J.Herkes, G.Silberstein, P.Garsia, R.J.Watson, J.Gupta, R.Parratt, J.Buckland, M.
2009Stroke among women, ethnic groups, young adults, and childrenSturm, Jonathan Mackay, Mark T Thrift, A.G.
Feb-2012FASTER (Face, Arm, Speech, Time, Emergency Response): Experience of Central Coast Stroke Services Implementation of a Pre-Hospital Notification System for Expedient Management of Acute StrokeO'Brien, Bill Crimmins, Denis Donaldson, W.Risti, R.Clarke, T.A.Whyte, Scott Sturm, Jonathan 
Jun-2008Polymorphisms in Platelet Glycoprotein 1Balpha and Factor VII and Risk of Ischemic Stroke: A Meta-AnalysisMaguire, J.Thakkinstian, A.Sturm, Jonathan Levi, C.R.Lincz, L.Parsons, M.W.Whyte, Scott Attia, J.
Dec-2014Polygenic overlap between kidney function and large artery atherosclerotic strokeHoliday, E.G.Traylor, M.Malik, R.Bevan, S.Maguire, J.Koblar, Simon A Sturm, Jonathan Hankey, G.J.Oldmeadow, C.McEvoy, M.Sudlow, C.Rothwell, P.Coresh, J.Hamet, P.Tremblay, J.Turner, S.T.De Andrade, M.Rao, M.Schmidt, R.Crick, P.A.Robino, A.Peralta, C.A.Jukema, J.W.Mitchell, P.Rosas, S.E.Wang, J.J.Scott, R.J.Dichgans, M.Mitchell, B.D.Kao, W. \H.L.Fox, C.S.Levi, C.R.Attia, J.Markus, H.S.
Jan-2014Can Lower Risk Patients Presenting with Transient Ischaemic Attack be Safely Managed as Outpatients?Griffiths, D.Sturm, Jonathan Heard, Robert Reyneke, Elizabeth Whyte, Scott Clarke, T.A.O'Brien, Bill Crimmins, Denis 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 124