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Karen A Myors
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Myors, Karen A
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Results 1-12 of 12 (Search time: 0.026 seconds).

PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
13-Dec-2024A mixed methods study of the postnatal care journey from birth to discharge in a maternity service in New South Wales, AustraliaSchmied, VirginiaMyors, Karen A Burns, ElaineCurry, JoannePangas, JacquelineDahlen, Hannah G
2Jun-2022Shining a light on practice: Introducing the new Child and Family Health Nursing Professional Practice Framework (2022)Myors, Karen A Stevenson, Julie
3Mar-2018'Modelling a Secure-Base' for Women with Complex Needs: Attachment-Based Interventions Used by Perinatal and Infant Mental Health CliniciansMyors, Karen A Cleary, M.Johnson, M.Schmied, V.
4Aug-2015A mixed methods study of collaboration between perinatal and infant mental health clinicians and other service providers: Do they sit in silos?Myors, Karen A Cleary, M.Johnson, M.Schmied, V.
5Jun-2015Engaging women at risk for poor perinatal mental health outcomes: a mixed-methods studyMyors, Karen A Johnson, M.Cleary, M.Schmied, V.
6May-2014'My special time': Australian women's experiences of accessing a specialist perinatal and infant mental health serviceMyors, Karen A Schmied, V.Johnson, M.Cleary, M.
7May-2014Therapeutic interventions in perinatal and infant mental health services: a mixed methods inquiryMyors, Karen A Schmied, V.Johnson, M.Cleary, M.
8Jan-2014Child and family health nurses working with families of preschool-aged childrenMyors, Karen A Schmied, V.White, E.
9Feb-2013Collaboration and integrated services for perinatal mental health: an integrative reviewMyors, Karen A Schmied, V.Johnson, M.Cleary, M.
10Dec-2003Community-wide implementation of a parenting program: the South East Sydney Positive Parenting ProjectMyors, Karen A Dean, C.Evans, E.
11Jun-2002Preparing expectant couples for new-parent experiences: a comparison of two models of antenatal educationMyors, Karen A Schmied, V.Wills, J.Cooke, M.
122001Coping styles of pregnant adolescentsMyors, Karen A Johnson, M.Langdon, R.